PDSL Is now DoubleCork National Singles League
What happened to PDSL, why the name change?
To reflect our new focus and abilities to offer our league format without regard to geographic limits, we felt a new look and feel for the DoubleCork National Singles Dart League was appropriate and sometimes a makeover is just what you need to change the game.
What's new about DoubleCork?
The biggest change is that we are now going to allow online participation with
DartConnect, the scoring and statistics software that enables you to play anyone through the Internet. This is not mandatory, and any bracket can participate the same way as they previously did with the PDSL (what we now call a "Traditional Bracket"), with no changes unless you want it. The new "Independence Bracket" features no sponsor fee, but a higher player fee, but this higher fee comes with the freedom to play anywhere you and your opponent agree to, including online play via DartConnect. We do strongly encourage everyone including Traditional Brackets to get on board with DartConnect as it is the future of the steel tip game and offers boatloads of benefits for every dart player, including the ability to go paperless and minimize data entry for DoubleCork matches.
CRICKET!!! The second biggest change is that thanks to DartConnect we can now also offer cricket in our league format. You can either add cricket onto your 501 bracket for more darts or play cricket instead of 501 (although 501 is the focus of International competition, we know that our members are also passionate about cricket and we want to satisfy that need). Unlike 501, DartConnect subscription is mandated for all cricket players as it is the only way to easily collect cricket statistics without taking focus away from playing the game.
What's my next step if I want to participate?
Read the attached documents and let us know if you have any questions (see list of contacts below) or message us on our
Facebook page.. Start gathering your group and discussing the options such as online play and cricket to determine what will work for you. If you have out-of-state or remote friends, online play can include them. Submit your application as soon as possible. Additional answers to common questions are below, but here are the important details:
Fall season starts: Week of September 8, 2015
Application Deadline: August 22, 2015
** We know notice is short for this deadline, contact us and we will work with you if you need additional time **
DoubleCork Members
Get DartConnect for 50% off!*
$12/12 month subscription + 3 FREE Bonus Months!
Offer Expires October 31, 2015
Online Play, Technical Help + Assistance
General League + DartConnect-specific questions:
Exercise your Passion for Darts and Join our Search for the Next World Champion
If we are ever to produce a future world darts champion, that player will have prepared themselves by regularly playing the best available competition in professional long format matchplay. The DoubleCork National Singles League provides the structure, coordination and administration required for large, geographically dispersed groups to align together and collectively pursue international level competitive ability. Support DoubleCork and support the advancement of domestic darts talent!
Online Play is Webcam Optional
Cheating is strictly forbidden, but we do not want to limit online play by requiring additional technology besides DartConnect. Online matches will rely on the honor system for scoring. Cheaters only cheat themselves and will be exposed. Individual brackets can decide within themselves whether or not to require webcam using Google Groups, Skype or other service. Speaker phones or headsets recommended at a minimum for communication. The Twitter "Periscope" smartphone app can be a rudimentary solution for those
without a webcam.
What is a "Traditional" Bracket? Why offer the Independence Bracket?
A Traditional bracket is the same as what was known as the standard PDSL bracket. As online play evolves, we see more moving to the Independence style bracket, but offer the traditional bracket for those who are already established with this setup. We received a lot of feedback from players and sponsors that the sponsor fee was a barrier to participation, so we are introducing a bracket with a higher player fee but no sponsor fee and the freedom to play anywhere, including online. With DartConnect technology now making online play stable enough for league competition, the timing is right to begin including it and opening up participation to a broader geography.
Can out of state players play in an Independence Bracket and how does that work?
Any Independence Bracket can be made up of all local players, all online players or a mix of both, it is up to the bracket and the bracket rep to organize and coordinate communication and match scheduling. We recommend creating a private FaceBook page or using other social media to manage your group. Independence Brackets do not have a sponsor location and players are allowed to play their weekly match at any mutually agreed upon location, including online. We encourage you to continue to play at neutral locations as much as possible, such as your favorite pub or club and ensure all locations meet standards for league play.
What is DartConnect & Why Should I Use It?
DartConnect is the most advanced and complete tablet-based software platform for steel tip darts. Not only is it the easiest way to score, it unlocks a long list of benefits for DoubleCork players, including:
- Effortless scoring that speeds up play and eliminates math errors
- Comprehensive statistics and reports emailed to you immediately
- Replaces paper match report and eliminates 90+% of bracket rep data entry.
- Play online from home or anywhere there is WiFi Internet
- Practice against a realistic computer opponent
- Broadcast the scoreboard and share it with others over DCTV; and much more
We have partnered with DartConnect and are offering an exclusive 50% off discount only available to our members to encourage their use of this important new technology.
DartConnect is new and different but it's not as hard to set up and use as many think. Visit
DartConnect.com and find them on Facebook to learn more.
DoubleCork National Singles League (DNSL)
Doublecork, Inc.
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